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欧美高端付费PPT模板 扁平化设计商业分析图示多用途模板G05


 本套模板包含100页内页设计,16:9,16:10;4:3  A4比例均有,PPTX格式模板,10中配色方案,适合任何PowerPoint版本,WPS均适用,完全可编辑,非常好用哦!建议使用Office2013编辑使用本模板,以保证最佳效果,需要安装包可以掌柜免费发送。


Business oriented Powerpoint Presentation. With its all 100 beautifully and functional designed slides you will be able to make a unique presentation that best suits your needs. Easily change colors, text and icons. You can simply remove components or add other elements. Add or remove slides and make the template even more beautiful and unique. It fits with all kind of business, corporate, marketing and personal areas – don’t hesitate, everything you are looking for is here.
