
500 Pendants & Lockets 500个吊坠饰品和纪念品设计 珠宝首饰书

  • 500 Pendants & Lockets 500个吊坠饰品和纪念品设计 珠宝首饰书
  • 价    格:222
  • 商品库存: 2016 件
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  • 货号:c5896d861b9
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家mengqiuqiu88


One look at these breathtaking suspended neck ornaments, and it’s clear why Lark’s series of jewelry design books has become so wildly popular. Every pendant is a masterful work of art, whether it’s symbolic and purposeful (amulets, talismans, and charms) or purely decorative.  Juried by Mike Holmes and Elizabeth Shypertt, co-founders of the esteemed jewelry gallery Velvet da Vinci, this beautiful color collection includes pieces crafted from diverse materials and techniques (including forging, casting, forming, and stone setting). “Fecund,” Tricia Lachowiec’s intricate construction of oxidized sterling silver, electroformed copper, enamel, and resin, is every bit as luscious as its title suggests. In “0210,” Seth Papac constructs a ghostly and atmospheric cityscape out of poplar wood, architectural siding, and building materials, as well as gold, silver, and elastic. Jane Adam’s signature use of softly colored aluminum always astounds, and decidedly so in “Flower Pendant” with its multiple fronds of gracefully arching metal. Jewelers, metalsmiths, and collectors will all find inspiration in these one-of-a-kind works.

看看这些惊人的脖子饰品,也就不难理解为什么Lark的珠宝设计系列书籍如此广受欢迎。 每个吊坠是一个傲慢的艺术品,不管它是象征性的,目的性的(护身符,护身符,魅力)或纯粹的装饰。由迈克·霍姆斯和 Elizabeth Shypertt评审,他们是受人尊敬的珠宝画廊天鹅绒达芬奇的联合创始人,这些美丽的颜色收藏品包括从不同的材料制作和技术(包括锻件、铸件、成型、和置石)精心制作的作品。“Fecund,”Tricia Lachowiec错综复杂的氧化纯银、铸铜、搪瓷、树脂的构造,就像其标题所暗示的一样甘美。在“0210”,赛斯帕帕奇构造一个幽灵和大气的城市风光利用杨树木材,建筑墙板,和建筑材料,还有黄金、白银、和橡皮圈。简亚当的签名使用轻轻地彩色铝很使人震惊,并果断在“花吊坠”中以其优雅的拱形金属做成了多重树叶。珠宝商,金属匠,和收藏家们都能找到灵感在这些独一无二的作品
