
全球知名儿童绘本大师格瑞米•贝斯Graeme Base绘本画集盒装珍藏

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全球知名儿童绘本大师格瑞米•贝斯Graeme Base绘本画集盒装珍藏Graeme Base 珍藏版盒装4册套 

    全球知名的儿童绘本家格瑞米贝斯(Graeme Base),(咨询特价)年出生于英国阿默舍姆,八岁时全家移居到澳洲墨尔本,并在此城生活至今。他所创作的字母书《Animalia》在(咨询特价)年出版後,即获得全世界的赞誉,全球销售超过三百万册的佳绩。随后,他的《The Eleventh Hour》,荣获澳洲童书协会年度绘本奖。《The Waterhole》将绘本风格与算术结合在一起,独创的手法获得高销量的肯定。他的作品不仅在澳洲贏得小朋友的青睐,在美国、加拿大、意大利、法国、丹麦和英国等地,都有十分亮眼的成绩。







The Discovery of Dragons


Was Bjorn of Bromme one of the greatest explorers of the Viking Age or just a simple-minded, lice-infested Barbarian with a passion for beach volleyball@ Could Soong Mei Ying really have discovered every Asiatic Dragon known to Serpentology, or was she just a thirteenth-century teenager who wanted to travel and meet people@ Did Dr E.F. Liebermann perish after discovering the Common Green Draak, also known as the ‘Awful Gurgler’, or was he suffering from a severe bout of jungle madness@

The answers to these questions and more will not be found within the pages of this book – but a lot of great big Dragons will…

02 The Sign of the Seahorse

Beyond the ken of mortal men, beneath the wind and waves,
There lies a land of shells and sand, of chasms crags and caves,
Where coral castles climb and soar, where swaying seaweeds grow,
And all around, without a sound, the ocean currents flow…

The inhabitants of a coral reef are threatened when a shady real estate deal started by the greedy Groper floods their area with poisonous waste. This is a tale of greed and high adventure set in the beautiful and fragile world of a coral reef.


The Eleventh Hour

When Horace the Elephant turns eleven he celebrates in grand style by inviting his friends to a splendid party. There are games, fine music, and the promise of a magnificent feast to come. But little does Horace know that when the time comes for the birthday banquet, a most curious mystery will be revealed. None of the eleven animals is above suspicion when the clock strikes The Eleventh Hour.

04 Animalia

Within the pages of this book
You may discover, if you look
Beyond the spell of written words,
A hidden land of beasts and birds.

For many things are ‘of a kind’,
And those with keenest eyes will find
A thousand things, or maybe more –
It’s up to you to keep the score…

A fantastical alliterative journey through the animal kingdom with thousands of alphabetically arranged images and ideas to discover along the way, from An Armoured Armadillo to Great Green Gorillas and Zany Zebra’s Zigzagging in Zinc Zeppelins.

More than three million copies of Animalia have been sold worldwide, making Graeme Base’s amazing alliterative alphabet book one of the most beloved titles of the past quarter century! Animalia’s incredible imaginary world intrigues all readers, whether or not they know their ABCs.


