
Landscape Architecture Now 花园庭院 园林环境景观规划设计

One of the hottest areas of contemporary design is landscape architecture. No matter what the architectural style of the moment, the green areas around houses, stadiums or corporate headquarters have taken on a considerable importance, all the more so with the emphasis on ecology and green design. This book calls on the work of the top designers of the moment, from Ken Smith, author of the Museum of Modern Art’s rooftop garden, to West 8 from Rotterdam, but also on architects ranging from Steven Holl to Tadao Ando, who have long been fascinated by the environments of their buildings. There are new names like the Lebanese landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic and well-known ones like Renzo Piano. There are established firms, like the Wirtz family from Belgium or Gustafson Porter from the United States, and young creators like Sophie Agata Ambroise from Lugano. Landscape architecture may not always be easy to delimit, but this new book opens the doors and windows of today’s architecture into the gardens of tomorrow.

 在当代设计中最热门的就是景观设计。无论哪个时代的建筑样尸围绕在住宅、体育场、公司大楼附近的绿色区域都必不可少,尤其在生态设计和绿色设计中。本书介绍了当代最优秀的设计事务所(师)的作品,包括肯史密斯景观设计事务所,现代艺术博物馆屋顶花园的作者;来自鹿特丹的West 8设计公司;以及其他设计师,如斯蒂文·霍尔, 安藤忠雄,他们多年来一直着迷于建筑周围的环境设计。在这些设计事务所(师)中,既有新鲜的名字,如黎巴嫩景观设计师Vladimir Djurovic,也有著名设计师,如伦佐皮亚诺。既有已成名的事务所,如来自比利时的Wirtz family和来自美国的Gustafson Porter,也有年轻的创作者,如来自卢加诺的 Sophie Agata Ambroise。一直以来,景观设计都很难被界定,但是这本书为读者打开了当代建筑到未来庭院的大门。
